Panel Discussion 2: Mindful Approaches to Creating a 3D Digital Cultural Asset Archive for Indigenous Histories and Futures
Event Details
Mindful Approaches to Creating a 3D Digital Cultural Asset Archive for Indigenous Histories and Futures. Our panel will discuss possible use cases for the 3D capture of the
Event Details
Mindful Approaches to Creating a 3D Digital Cultural Asset Archive for Indigenous Histories and Futures.
Our panel will discuss possible use cases for the 3D capture of the Doig River First Nations heritage site at Tse’K’wa (Charlie Lake Cave), and what sorts of 3D technologies can be employed to bring about a unique experience to be shared amongst various demographics inside the tribe (and out). Arc/k Project and Zachary King will not only discuss the tech, but also the complex issues surrounding data ownership and Indigenous sovereignty in the digital realm. Topics such as the pros and cons of cloud storage, museum and library integration of virtual experiences, digital legacies, and roadmapping of digitization programs will all be discussed — with an emphasis on audience input throughout this one hour talk.
Enoch Ballroom
Speakers for this event
Brian Pope
Brian Pope
Founder / Executive Director, The Arc/K Project
Brian Pope, a writer, director, entrepreneur and philanthropist, founded The Arc/k Project, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, in early 2015. Pope seeks to harness and develop emerging technologies on behalf of pressing humanitarian issues. With these priorities in mind, he spearheaded the creation of this organization which helps societies in extremis digitally archive that which is too valuable, too important, or too unique to be lost or forgotten. The Arc/k Project was created to straddle the gulf between scientific archiving and activism.
Founder / Executive Director, The Arc/K Project
Scott Purdy
Scott Purdy
Director of Operations, The Arc/K Project
Scott majored in Anatomy/Physiology, graduating with a BS from the University of California, Santa Barbara. After transitioning from medicine to a more creative field, he began his career in post-production for films in 2003. Since then, Scott has collaborated with directors, producers, cinematographers and others on a wide range of projects. At Pacific Title, he managed post work for all of the “Big Six” major film studios. In 2009, he joined Lit Post as a digital intermediate producer, overseeing the finished process for more than 50 features, documentaries and shorts. After working closely with such talented artists and technologists and seeing the potential of digital cultural imaging, Scott decided to move into the nonprofit world. As the Director of Operations at Arc/k, he relishes the challenge of using his knowhow in bringing together technology and people to help further the cause of digital cultural preservation.
Director of Operations, The Arc/K Project
Zackary King
Zackary King
Geospatial Analyst, Doig River First Nation
Zackary King is a geospatial specialist that has worked for the Doig River First Nation for the past 5 years. He studied Human Geography at the University of Saskatchewan and followed that up with an Advanced Diploma in GIS at BCIT. Zack began his GIS career in Archaeology and Cultural Resource Management in 2014 and joined the Doig River First Nation team in 2018. Since then, he has worked on making GIS available to DRFN’s staff through the development of software and processes that simplify consultation, field data collection and information sharing. The main principle behind the work is to ensure DRFN maintains ownership of its data, ensure that it is protected and future proof and integrates it throughout all the departments allowing a single point of access to authoritative information. Zack is passionate about helping preserve the Tsáá? Ché Ne Dane culture and help them be stewards of the land by using modern software to combat cumulative effects from industry, assist in healing the land with restoration planning and projects and help in community growth by assisting in urban reserve development and community and emergency response planning.
Geospatial Analyst, Doig River First Nation
- Day 1
- November 22, 2022
8:45am Panel Discussion 2: Data Governance/Indigenous Data Sovereignty8:45am - 9:45amMindful Approaches to Creating a 3D Digital Cultural Asset Archive for Indigenous Histories and Futures Our panel will discuss possible use cases for the 3D capture of the Doig River First Nations heritage site at Tse’K’wa (Charlie Lake Cave), and what sorts of 3D technologies can be employed to bring about a unique experience to be shared amongst various demographics inside the tribe (and out). Arc/k Project and Zachary King will not only discuss the tech, but also the complex issues surrounding data ownership and Indigenous sovereignty in the digital realm. Topics such as the pros and cons of cloud storage, museum and library integration of virtual experiences, digital legacies, and roadmapping of digitization programs will all be discussed — with an emphasis on audience input throughout this one hour talk.Speakers: Brian Pope, Scott Purdy, Zackary King