We are pleased to announce the 5th annual Indigenous Mapping Workshop. The 2018 Indigenous Mapping Workshop will host more than 300 community mapping practitioners from across the world to Montreal, QC from August 20-23, 2018. The four-day conference will explore Google, Esri Canada, QGIS, Mapbox, OpenStreetMap, and other geospatial tools. Participants will learn how to use these tools to collect, host, visualize, share, and publish community generated data. The technical training will be co-led by The Firelight Group, Google Earth Outreach, Google’s Trainer Network, Esri Canada, Mapbox, and a global network of Indigenous mapping experts.
Over 35 hours of hands-on training provided for Google, Esri Canada, QGIS, Mapbox, and other geospatial tools
A dynamic mix of presentations by leading experts and community practitioners from across the world
Over 300 participants from hundreds of Indigenous Nations, universities, and organizations
Join us and plan your week at the #IMWInuvik in Inuvik, Northwest Territories. Discover how Indigenous cartographers are transforming and inspiring geospatial technologies. Just to note, the schedule may change.
The Indigenous Mapping Workshop is proud to present passionate and talented speakers who use geospatial technologies in creative and innovative ways to promote Indigenous rights and interest. More speakers will be added in the coming weeks!

Colleen Cardinal-Hele is a Plains Cree adoptee from Saddle Lake Cree Nation in Alberta living in Ottawa. Colleen is a passionate Indigenous rights activist working as an addictions counsellor, community organizer, author, website developer, and videographer. Colleen is a key organizer with the Ottawa Bi Giwen Indigenous Adoptee Committee, a public speaker at Families of Sisters in Spirit, and is currently working on a documentary called The 60s Scoop: A Hidden Generation.
Colleen Cardinal-Hele

Souta Calling Last (Blackfeet/Blood) is the Founder and Executive
Director of Indigenous Vision, a national educational nonprofit founded
in 2015. Souta does not consider herself an environmentalist but more as
a Blackfoot woman whose cultural practice is dependent on clean water
and high functioning ecosystems.
Souta Calling Last
Founder and Executive Director, Indigenous Vision

Angela D. Garcia-Lewis is the Cultural Preservation Compliance Supervisor for the Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community Cultural Preservation Program. As Cultural Preservation Compliance Supervisor Angela’s primary responsibility is consultation under the various cultural resource statutes that apply to the federal, state, tribal, and private land jurisdictions within the ancestral lands of the O’Odham and Piipaash cultures in central Arizona.
Angela D. Garcia-Lewis
Cultural Preservation Compliance Supervisor, Salt River Pima-Maricopa Indian Community

Annita Lucchesi is a doctoral student at the University of Lethbridge, in the Cultural, Social, & Political Thought program. She earned her BA in Geography from the University of California, Berkeley, and graduated Washington State University with her MA in American Studies. Her research interests include cartography, indigenous feminisms, postcolonial geographies, and restorative justice.
Annita Lucchesi
Doctoral Student, University of Lethbridge

Dale Spencer is Associate Professor in the Department of Law and Legal Studies at Carleton University. His main interests are violence, victimization, settler colonialism, Offenders, and Corrections (Routledge), Reimagining Intervention in Young Lives (UBC Press) and Ultimate Fighting and Embodiment (Routledge), and three edited volumes, Emotions Matter (University of Toronto Press), Fighting Scholars (Anthem), and Reconceptualizing Critical Victimology (Lexington).
Dale Spencer
Associate Professor, Carleton University

Moka Apiti is of Ngaati Te Wehi, Ngaati Hikairo, Ngaati Wairere, Te Whanau Apanui and Ngaati Porou whakapapa. Moka is the Director of Digital Navigators Ltd which specialises in providing quality GIS advice to iwi, haapu, and whanau. Moka has worked in the Treaty Negotiations Sector for close to 20 years and is passionate about sharing his expertise and experience working in Treaty Negotiations and Post-Treaty Settlement work to assist and empower iwi to achieve their own aspirations.
Moka Apiti
Director, Digital Navigators Ltd.
Meet All Our Speakers
Meet the all the innovative 2018 Indigenous Mapping Workshop speakers presenting innovative research, tools, and technologies that are transforming Indigenous cartography.
What is included?
Training Modules
Access to any of the Google, Esri, Mapbox, QGIS, OSM, and other training sessions
Plenary Sessions
Entry into keynote and participant presentations
Training MaterialS
Access to all the training materials
MULTIPLE TICKETS: If you are registering and paying for more than one participant at a time, please select the appropriate number of tickets and fill out the ticket holder information for each participant as prompted, including dietary requirements and affiliation.
PAYMENT & REFUND POLICIES: Registration will not be confirmed until payment-in-full has been received and a receipt has been issued to the participant. Registration and payment is required by May 25, 2020; cash payments on-site will not be accepted. Payment must be made to Firelight Research Inc. (The Firelight Group). If an invoice is required before issuing payment, you must request one via email. The Firelight Group will refund registration fees upon written request received before May 25, 2020; however, a $125.00 CAD administration and processing fee will be retained. Due to the high demand of seats, no refunds will be issued for cancellations or no-shows after May 26, 2020. Substitutions for paid registrants may be made in writing without financial penalty. Any approved refunds will be issued after the conference. For more information, please contact us at info@indigenousmaps.com
The 2018 Indigenous Mapping Workshop will be held at Le Westin in Montreal, Quebec. Montreal is a convenient destination to get to, whether you are driving, taking the train, or flying. The Firelight Group has negotiated an IMW conference rate to make attending the 2018 Indigenous Mapping Workshop easy and affordable.
Le Westin
270 Saint-Antoine Ouest
Montreal, QC
H2Y 0A3
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at info@indigenousmaps.com
Interested in partnering with us?
The Firelight Group
Suite 612, 100 Park Royal
West Vancouver, British Columbia
V7T 1A2
(250) 686-9608