IMW Schedule Posted

The IMW team is happy to present this years agenda. It is a jam-packed workshop with 5 different streams for Google, Esri Canada, and QGIS tools. Please visit If you have any questions, we are here to help!  ...
2016 IMW Accommodations

2016 IMW Accommodations

Need accommodations for the workshop? The Indigenous Mapping Workshop has teamed up with the Pinnacle Hotel Habourfront to offer out of town participants a comfortable stay in the beautiful Coal Harbour. The Pinnacle Hotel Harbourfront offers countless amenities and...

2016 IMW: Application Opens Today

Applications for the 2016 Indigenous Mapping Workshop open on August 3, 2016. The upcoming 2016 Indigenous Mapping Workshop will be held from November 7-10, 2016 in Vancouver, BC. The Indigenous Mapping Workshop, a four-day event, will combine presentations by...
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